Explanatory Video
«How to become a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)»

by John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, Vice President Education.
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners USA

CFE Exam Review Course

Master the skills and knowledge you need to pass the CFE Exam by attending the CFE Exam Review Course. This 4-day, instructor-led course will help you master the concepts tested on the CFE Exam: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes, Law, Investigation, and Fraud Prevention and Deterrence. This course, in combination with the CFE Exam Prep Course software, will provide you with an unbeatable combination for passing the exam.

CFE-Brochure: Global CFE Exam Review Courses


«I would like to thank Matthias and Dejan for your time and insightful presentation. I learned a great amount of knowledge during your courses and I am very grateful for that.» 

Diotima Deleze, Japan Tobacco International SA, Genève
Diotima is one of the successful attendees of the May 2022 CFE Exam Review Course,
lead by CFE Instructors Matthias Schmid-Huberty and Dejan Jasnic

Other courses

As an extension to the CFE, SAFEXA offers a CFE Swiss Finish, which takes into account the specific features of the Swiss Criminal Law and its practice. In addition, SAFEXA is taking up current topics of interest and offering seminars by itself or in cooperation with partner institutions.

Next CFE Exam Review Course

[in preparation]


SAFEXA offers tailored courses and trainings in the field of fighting fraud – especially it is Authorised Trainer and exclusive provider of the CFE Exam Review Course in Switzerland – in co-operation with the Swiss Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

visit the ACFE Switzerland Chapter

our Team

The Academy is managed by a dedicated team of CFE (Certiefied Fraud Examiners) with many years of experience in prevention, investigation and education of economic crime and fraud.

See More

hope to see you soon